Q Partners, an investment company founded by Andrey Ivanov, has invested $625k in Raccoon Recovery tele-physiotherapy medical service. Raccoon Recovery solves the following issues:
– for patients – access to rehabilitation from any part of the world,
– to rehabilitation centers – automation of routine personnel tasks, the ability to lead a patient remotely,
– to insurance companies – timely therapy for existing and th new clients, forecast of costs and course duration.
Raccoon Recovery is an online construction platform that includes an assessment of the current state, building a course, undergoing therapy, and monitoring. Users can create a doctor’s office and a software-anarat complex for patients are provided. The main market for the project is Western Europe.
“Telemedicine is on the crest of a wave now, but this is not the only reason why we decided to invest in Raccoon.World, – says Yury Sereschenko, Managing Partner at Q Partners. – Their solution is already validated, has successfully undergone pilots, and there is a clear road map. We value the unique business model of the project that takes into account the interests of all the stakeholders. And of course, we believe in the team. They are very dedicated, have relevant experience to deliver, clearly understand tasks and ways to accomplish them”- Denis Valvachev, Senior Managing Partner of Q Partners, commented on the deal.